5 tips goal-setting tips for 2023
Whether you want to grow your business or take more time for yourself, these goal-setting tips can help you achieve your long-term plans. Think big! – What do you want from your life – and how can your business help you achieve that? Think about next year and beyond; what does your business look like in […]
How to stay competitive in your industry
It’s difficult to make your business stand out from the crowd, especially in the 21st century digital environment where businesses large and small are competing for the same customers. Remaining competitive is vital for any business. If you stay ahead of your competitors and hang onto your customer base, your sales stay stable and your […]
Review the year that’s been and plan for the year ahead
What are your business goals for the year ahead? The beginning of a new calendar year is an excellent time to review the year just finished and reflect on what worked, what didn’t, what you’d like to change and new things you’d like to implement. Last year, there were inescapable impacts on businesses, with some […]