How to stay competitive in your industry

It’s difficult to make your business stand out from the crowd, especially in the 21st century digital environment where businesses large and small are competing for the same customers. Remaining competitive is vital for any business. If you stay ahead of your competitors and hang onto your customer base, your sales stay stable and your […]

Review the year that’s been and plan for the year ahead

What are your business goals for the year ahead? The beginning of a new calendar year is an excellent time to review the year just finished and reflect on what worked, what didn’t, what you’d like to change and new things you’d like to implement. Last year, there were inescapable impacts on businesses, with some […]

A strong strategy is the heart of your successful business

Business strategy

Businesses that have clear objectives or goals, robust accountability and a shared sense of purpose should always outperform those that just show up and go through the motions. Strategy lies at the heart of most successful businesses. To achieve this you need to resource and execute with a clear purpose. Few businesses have a strategic […]

How an accountant supports your business development

accountants for business growth

As your accountant, we won’t just look after the financial side of your business, we can also advise you on the strategic side of your company, including the importance of business development as vital part of your growth plan. Business development (BD) is what helps your company move from slow, organic growth to fast-paced, hypergrowth. […]

Cash is not profit and vice versa

The purpose of a business is to make money, and that means you need to know the difference between profit and cash flow. Net profit is what you have left after you deduct all your business expenses from all your revenue. You can improve net profit only by changing the things that affect revenue and […]

The Importance of goodwill in your business

Goodwill in accounting refers to the intangible value that a company can hold, above and beyond the pure financial value of its assets. This covers areas like brand reputation, intellectual property, and both external and internal relationships. A business that can show its goodwill in the marketplace is actually worth more – both intangibly and […]

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Business Accounting

Outsourcing Accounting

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know how important it is to manage your finances properly. But what many business owners struggle to figure out is whether or not they should hire in-house accounting or outsource staff to do their finances. We’ve been there, too. Making important decisions about the financial inner-workings of your hard-earned company […]